
Martin Hautus Foundation Trust

Incredible Years Parenting Programme


Years Of Experience

One of the most important work an adult undertakes.

Provides practical step by step suggestions for parents of 3-8 year olds to

  • Help handle everyday family situations
  • Support learning
  • Manage and responds to misbehaviour in positive ways
  • Use play to help child learn
  • Build childs self esteem
  • Set boundaries and consequences
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Our Skillset Stand On Our Works.

The Incredible Years Parenting offers 14 session programme for parents of children aged 3-8, which provides parents with skills to better manage children with behavioural problems, creating a home environment that is conducive to social and educational outcomes.

Parents across the country come together each week for around two hours and develop approaches to use at home with problem behaviours, such as aggressiveness, ongoing tantrums, and acting out behaviour, such as swearing, whining, yelling, hitting and kicking, answering back, and refusing to follow rules

MHFT’s approach to targeting and successfully recruiting parents onto IY Parent programme is through our community networks such as: